vendredi 12 juillet 2013

15 sozzled students shamed

                                                      Feeling a bit giddy-up ... cowgirl make-up

BOOZING students beware - your sozzled antics could soon wind up with a wider audience than your mate’s Facebook page.

It feels like Twitter feeds are popping up for everything these days and now drunken university fools have been bestowed the honour.
And almost 85,000 people have already signed up to follow the public shamings of posh kids on the new  
Many of the images on it are way beyond what we could post on a family newspaper website, including nudity and public sex acts.
But there are dozens more crackers to see and chuckle at, including mates in a state and girls who really should have gone home hours ago....
Here, we've picked some of the pottiest...

Suppose this is technically a sick bag...

Smashed students

On the plus side, at least they didn't strip him naked...

Smashed students

Morning mate, sleep well?

Smashed students

Introducing the new McOffhisface meal...

Smashed students

Your balance is normally the first thing to go...

Smashed students

Never has a man boob been used so creatively...

Smashed students

'I'm out of loo roll...'

Smashed students

Talk about making a meal of it - a sandwich to be precise...

Smashed students

If you fall asleep IN a bar, you're asking for trouble...

Smashed students

Is this bloke the laziest clubber ever?

Smashed students

It's not as if he can use his mobile to call for help...

Smashed students

How drunk must this guy have been not to wake up...?!

Smashed students

Some people should really keep their shirts on. At all times...

Smashed students

'Well, he did say he loved melons...'

Smashed students

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